1. Did you know that this man is famous in America?
Some possible answers:
I don't know who he is.
I have never seen him before.
He is a stranger to me.
No, I didn't. Who is he?
Please tell me about this man.
I don't understand the question.
What did you say?
Could you please write it down for me?
Well, he is famous for his book on Japanese. He is considered "the" expert on Japanese in America.
2. He is famous for his knowledge about Japan.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Tell me more.
What knowledge does he profess about Japan?
3. I wonder if his ideas are correct?
Don't ask me.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Could you please explain.
Go ahead and tell me your opinion.
Actually, I don't know. I haven't read his book. But, I am very interested in what he had to say. Aren't you?
1. Why does this man have purple on his finger?
He just put his finger into a grape drink?
I don't know, tell me why, please.
I haven't the slightest.
Give me a clue.
I'll just wait for someone else to answer.
He has just voted in Iraq. Everyone who votes in Iraq must put their finger into purple ink. I think it is because they
want to make sure he only votes one time.
2. Why do you think he is smiling?
You got me.
I think he is smiling because he is happy to have been able to vote after over 50 years of not being able to vote in Iraq.
3. Why are there very few public places for sport in Japan?
1. Japanese worry about costs.
2. Japanese want to cradle their children.
3. Japanese adults didn't have places to play in, so they think their children shouldn't have places to play in.
4. I think Japanese think that it is a waste of money.
1. How safe would you feel if you were living next to a nuclear reactor?
1, I wouldn't feel safe at all.
2. I would worry about fall out.
3. I would move to another location.
4. I would try to get it dismantled.
5. I would ask our government to move it to another place.
6. I would protest at their front gate.
2. Do you think other forms of energy creation are available?
1. What?
2. Well, I have heard of wind power and solar power.
3. I have heard of using grain for making fuel.
4. I here that they use wheat in Argentina.
5. We could go back to coal, couldn't we?
6. Toyota makes a nice electric car, don't they?
7. I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping up on that issue.
1. How would you like to see your daughter in uniform?
1. Are you kidding?
2. I would keep my daughter from being any part of that group.
3. I wouldn't like it.
4. Japanese women are not allowed to be in the Self Defense Force.
2. Would you let her volunteer for military service?
1. No. I would keep her in the kitchen.
2. And, I don't think her husband would like it very much.
3. If it's what she wants to do, then I wouldn't stand in her way.
3. What if she came home in a body bag?
1. I would go to her funeral.
2. I would feel very sorry for her.
3. I would be proud that she served her country well.
4. I would regret that I didn't stop her beforehand.