How to Survive (ikinuku) Natsubate
Summer Fatigue (hirou)
Are you feeling tired, loss
of appetite (shoku ga hosoru), irritated (iradatsu, mushakusha), diarrhea (geri ga utsutta), constipation (hiketsu, bempi,
funzumai), giddiness (memai, tatsukurami, kurakura), dehydration (dassuishou), cramps (keiren), heat stroke (shoki)?
Here Are Nine Ideas:
1. Put a bag of ice on your
pillow for a few minutes.
2. Exercise (ekusasaizu, taisou)
regularly (kimatte, jikan do ori ni)
3. Tomatoes, eggplants and
cucumbers contain (fukumu) antioxidants (sankaboushizai) that help protect (fusegu) against (yobou) ultraviolet (shigaisen)
light. (Eat a little of all of them, don't gorge. (gyuuinbashoku shinai de)
4. Watermelon (suika), and
pears (nashi) are rich in (megumareru) the minerals (koubutsu) that are lost (nakusu) due to (ni yotte) perspiration. (ase,
nease, hakkan, asedakude)
5. Summer tangerines (natsumikan)
are rich in (megumareru) potassium (kari, kariumu) and magnesium. (maguneshium) Citric accid (kuensan) helps people recover
(ieru, mochinaosu, tatenaoru) from exaustion. (konpai, datsuryoku, hiroukonpai, hirou)
6. B Vitamins: pork, (butaniku)
soybeans, (natto, edamame, tekkamiso) and milk. Also, Soba noodles and drink the sobayu, please.
7. Cold Miso Soup (hiyajiru),
pour (sosogu) it over cold rice.